If You’re Not Scared, You’re Not Even TryingI came across a Youtube video one day, where Denzel Washington (my favorite actor if you must know) was giving a speech and those words…Mar 3, 20233Mar 3, 20233
Only Suffering Managed To Convince My Rebellious AssSuffering is our best teacher, let’s embrace it wholeheartedly.Feb 17, 20232Feb 17, 20232
The Biggest Sign Of Growth Is Underrated: DiscomfortDiscomfort, but not any discomfort.Feb 10, 20232Feb 10, 20232
Why Your New Year’s Resolutions Are Failing (Part 5/5): Self-RelationshipDemanding the best of yourself is an act of love.Feb 3, 2023Feb 3, 2023
Why Your New Year’s Resolutions Are Failing (Part 4/5): Support SystemPrune your tree so your best branches can thrive.Jan 28, 2023Jan 28, 2023
Why Your New Year’s Resolutions Are Failing (Part 3/5): Behavior ProgrammingFocus on what you can control, reprogram yourself.Jan 20, 20231Jan 20, 20231
Why Your New Year’s Resolutions Are Failing (Part 2/5): Vision PerspectiveCreate your vision with each iteration.Jan 13, 20231Jan 13, 20231